トップページ > 出展者検索結果一覧 > パッセージ トゥ ヒマラヤ/Passage to Himalayas

出展者名/Company Name

パッセージ トゥ ヒマラヤ/Passage to Himalayas

ブースNo/Booth No.


キャッチコピー/Catch Phrase


Passage to Himalayas is a professional tour company based in Thimphu. Registered and certified by the TCB (Tourism council of Bhutan), the government monitoring body for the tourism industry in Bhutan and Passage to Himalayas is also an active member of ABTO (Association of the Bhutanese tours Operators). With over a decade of experience under our belts we offer an unrivalled quality of service and deliver an unparalleled experience for travelers visiting the magical Kingdom of Bhutan. We offer a wide variety of tours including off-road tours, motorcycle adventure tours combined with the cultural touring, cultural tours, trekking and hiking tours through the pristine Himalayan landscape. We accept nothing short of excellence from our employees and partners in order to deliver the highest standard of service to our guests. We are committed to responsible tourism and encourage our valued guests to have a greater understanding and appreciation of their host destinations. We cater to different individuals and groups and we will be happy to host and share with you the beauty of our country. Be our partner and we shall show you the magical mysteries of BHUTAN.

Gold Sponsor

  • マレーシア政府観光局

Silver Sponsor

  • 成田国際空港株式会社

  • ハワイ州観光局

Bronze Sponsor

  • 東京海上日動火災保険株式会社
